Each school in District 124 offers a variety of partnership opportunities, Booster Clubs being one of the largest. Booster Clubs are a mix of parents and caregivers who like to contribute more to our children's educational experiences.
Your Southwest Bulldog Boosters sponsor multiple activities throughout the school year, including Back to School Party, All School Talent Show, Holiday classroom parties, Father/Daughter Dance, Mother/Son Bowling, Book Fairs, and so much more. In addition, we host a fundraiser each year, our Annual Fall Fest, to help defer the costs of assemblies, field trips, and PBIS celebrations.
The Southwest Bulldog Boosters are only able to accomplish all of this - and more - with your help. A yearly membership of $10 (per family) and all of our wonderful parent volunteers help us reach these goals. Southwest has a great group of parents, and we are always looking for more to help. If you have any interest in assisting with the events or being on a committee, please let us know via email or Facebook.
Wishing you and your student(s) a successful 2022-2023 school year,
The Southwest Bulldog Boosters
Contact the Southwest Booster Club at [email protected]
Check out the Southwest Booster's Facebook Page here.