You may ask yourself what’s so complicated about pouring a bowl of cereal. Well with this contest the answer is EVERYTHING. Rube Goldberg was best known for being a cartoonist, but he was also an engineer and inventor. His passion for inventing plays out in his comics where one of his more famous characters, Professor Lucifer Gorgonzola Butts, liked to dream up and build immensely complicated machines for carrying out simple tasks such as using a napkin. These comics went on to inspire real people to make similar machines. There is now a national contest held annually that charges participants with completing an ordinary task using a complex machine. General Mills sponsored this year's contest and asked participants to pour a bowl of cereal. The Southwest team included Joey H., Owen B., Sean M., Faith E., Maya C., Maddie G., and Matthew M. They worked diligently to complete their machine, and although it took a lot of trial and error the students finished feeling positive about the experience and learned some great life lessons. Below you will find videos of the team’s Rube Goldberg Machine and some student insight into the lessons learned. It was truly a team effort. Way to go Team Southwest. Special Thanks to Miss Matheison and Mrs. Cihocki for sponsoring and leading the team.
Check out our team page and be sure to like our team for the People's Choice Award
Maya: I have learned that many failures lead to something amazing!
Matt: I have learned that just because you fail, it does not mean you will fail in the future.